The third of our Mayoral candidates to address us, Viv Beck, styles herself as “a mayor with the passion, determination and skills to get things done.”
She emphasised the need for change – the four main challenges she talked about were
  • accountability by the Council and the Council Controlled Organisations
  • dealing with crime
  • public transport [and Auckland Transport]
  • housing intensification
She outlined what had prompted her to stand – the delays in the changes to Queen Street, the effects on local businesses of the new City Rail link, and the disproportionate outcomes for some businesses of the Covid lockdowns.
She saw the mayor’s style of leadership as a significant influence on Councillors, CEOs, and our diverse communities and emphasised the importance of working with the Government of the day.
Some of her key policies were yet to be released. She responded to questions from those present on greater use of ferries, Auckland Unlimited and the right to protest.