Meeting Report
Members met at One Tree Hill College - the regular Penrose Rotary club venue
24 members were in attendance ( 14 Penrose Rotary & 10 Newmarket Rotary club )
We started the meeting with singing happy Birthday to Stuart who turned 90 years young.
Our speakers  were are Elisha who spoke on her experiences at RYLA & Brian Langdon who presented to us about Rotary Enrichment Programme (REP ).
Elisha is a teacher at OTHC who is very inspired after attending RYLA 2024.
She was one of over 100 awardees at RYLA, she enjoyed the Island activities!
Team work was an essential part of the growth of the awardees during the island evolutions .
Elisha’s team received their sticky bun & soup as they arrived half way down descending Rangitoto .
There where 9 Ryla awardees in Elisha’s team . “ Keep working on projecting your opinions as people listen to you “ is great advice given by Elisha’s DS.
Elisha’s experience has built great connections .“ The success that you seek , is living in the work you’re avoiding “ is wisdom from one of the presenters at RYLA .
Inevitable Adversity was a topic by a  presenter who had Cancer
Brian Langdon
Brian Langdon gave a fantastic presentation on Rotary Enrichment Programme ( REP )
Brian has been teaching for 50 years.  REP is a Literacy Programme. It is focussed on One to One Learning. It is about targeting quiet students .
REP is a peoples Programme who help connecting people .
REP started at OTHC and in 8 secondary schools withmore soon .
Oral & Listening is the biggest part of Learning, reading & writing
Reading has 3 Disciplines  1/ Decoding 2/ Summerisation & retelling  3/ Comprehension
Brian & REP are so proud of the results
REP students go on to become Prefects at OTHC
REP teaches positivity in Students
REP is getting reading into homes by letting the students take books home .
Gateway Program
Gateway is a programme getting students into workforce which is being supported by REP Literacy .
When the student attends REP class Brian also educates the student with the class they are missing out on .
Students that attend REP are selected in year 9 from data from previous schools. The principal of OTHC would like every year 9 student to go through REP.
Andrew Myer Brown is a senior leader & teacher in REP. AlsoGreg Carr is a REP Tutor at Aorore College. Harvey Alison said that REP is able to go into Adult Education through Gangs which got turned down .
Harvey Allison is now working with an organisation in Glen Innes to work with Adults .
Rotary Apprentiship Programme ( RAP) is alive & well in OTHC with mentoring students .
OTHC has a very successful trades academy