A first for some time with last week’s luncheon meeting – no lunch. But President Dave was more than equal to the challenge and we all became honorary weight watchers, with nary a rumbling tummy during Dave Comery’s very impressive presentation to us.
President Dave reminded us of two events for our diaries:
Friday 11th  November 
Polio Ride the Trains. Register with Jeanette Searle, Ron Seeto or President Dave.
Saturday 26th & Sunday 27th November
Garden Design fest
More Club volunteers needed. Register with Kay Madigan on www.gardendesignfest.co.nz before Boyne rings you this coming week
Due Drop Events Centre [formerly the Vodafone Events Centre], Manukau.
Dave Comery, Chief Executive of the Waka Pacific Trust, told us of the history of the establishment of the Centre, and his role there. The vision for the Centre focuses on enriching the lives of the South Auckland community – by the end of the talk we appreciated how well fitted Dave is to that task. In the 2019 year more than 65k children enjoyed activities supported by the Trust – after the Covid blip last year, for 2022 it will be of the order of 80k. For 2025 the target is 100k. 
As well as the Events Centre, the Trust operates Te Wero, the Vodafone South Auckland Whitewater Park [our David Bradshaw was heavily involved in the project engineering at the time]. This series of water pools, currents and rapids is designed to engage youth and the whole community. There are water safety programmes, recreational opportunities, river rafting and kayaking training. Primary school children share the pools with Olympians - all at their appropriate levels.  The introduction to water safety is particularly important for youngsters who have never before experienced, say, the dangers of our West Coast beaches – even the hardiest discover a new respect – and aptitude! - for survival.
Planning for the future includes the Waka Pacific Climb – dependent upon successful $3.5m fundraising, maybe in operation by the end of 2023. This is a huge Climbing Frame of German origin, which will have three height levels, each accompanied by three levels of activities.  A wonderful addition to the range of community activities in South Auckland.
Dave’s visionary plans include an Environmental Education Hub:
with more than a passing nod to the Eden Project in Cornwall, enabling children as change makers for the future. The Hub could involve world bodies such as the UN, the Smithsonian and Te Papa – Dave acknowledges all the challenges of making this happen when talking to such bodies but remains undeterred. Maybe, he says, the implementation might be left to his successor.  
All this and responsibility for the Events Centre itself, which we know from our Circus Quirkus, first held there last May. A wonderful community auditorium well used for the likes of shows, music and community events, and by schools etc. Thanks to good work by Brian McMath and Simon Dalton hopefully we will be able to continue to use this Centre for CQ for some years to come.  The relationship benefits both the Trust and Rotary – nicely complementing our ethos of service to the community.